“The Most Motivational Statement Ever In 3 Words…”

“The Most Motivational Statement Ever In 3 Words…”

This is the day, that for me and many others EVERYTHING will change… the root of that change was triggered by just three simple words… three words uttered by Gary Vaynerchuk that could very well transform the way you view the world as you know it.

The Most Motivational Statement Ever In 3 Words. If you really understand the meaning of those 3 words I truly believe most of you will change your behavior right now !!”

 – Gary Vaynerchuk

Earlier this morning, Gary Vaynerchuk shared these three words with the world… and when you here them, especially in the context delivered, I have no doubt you will understand WHY those three words on so important.

In fact, these three simple words, which I will share with you in just a moment, allowed me take the necessary actions to launch Dryden Labs just 16 months ago.

Before I tell with you these three words, I would like to share with you a story. A story about how these three words haunted me until I decided to resign from my position at a wonderful company and set on my calling to be a full-time entrepreneur.

About two years ago, I felt like I had hit a ceiling. The work I did was meaningful, was performed with incredibly talented individuals, and supported global operations for the men and women that serve our country.

Beyond that, individually my goals, desires, salary requirements – you name it – were all fulfilled. I had worked on both large and small teams developing award winning apps, created prototype mobile smartphone biometric applications, wrote training manuals on how to develop applications for both browser based and mobile based apps, and even developed a cloud migration plan for one of the largest data centers in Texas. But even though the work was fulfilling I could not resist my calling to something more. There was something keeping me awake at night.

That something, was at its core, these three little words. Let’s take a minute to find out what those three words are…

Click the image below to find out exactly what three words Gary Vaynerchuk said, three little words that could very well give you the same spark it gave me just 16 months ago.



Can you believe it! Yup, that’s right, those three words (some will argue four)… are incredibly powerful.

“You’re Gonna Die” … and that folks at the end of the day is exactly what kept me awake at night. Some will get it, other won’t, but at the end of the day – I believed that I had completed just about all the goals I could imagine – all but one… I was not yet a full-time entrepreneur.

These three words, are what have fueled me and now my team to take on our work with passion and pride. We live and breath digital media and over the past several (loooong) months, I have developed a world class team of talent that is unmatched.

Thank you all for stopping by for my first ever blog post. There will be many more to come.